Keep Calm because Rio 2016 is All Daley's
Keep Calm and Love Tom Daley
and don't forget to support Tom Daley in Rio 2016!
Check him out here on Facebook
It had been a hectic week - assignments, reports, lab designs, essays, investigations, ......
Whenever I feel stressful, I think of Tom Daley. That guy whose dream came true, who won something to show for all his hard work in London 2012.
Whenever I need inspiration, I think of Tom Daley. That guy who fought all the way through the tough times and found success under the eyes of the world.
No stress, keep calm, and carry on.
No stress, keep calm, and love Daley.
No stress, keep calm, and finish work.
No stress, keep calm, and thank Daley.
#TomDaley #TeamGB #Rio2016 #LoveFromAndrea