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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"There is no greater bore than perfection." - Richard Connell, Most Dangerous Game

This word seems to tire everyone
Yet it is the truth that keeps life going

Without work, you are useless.
Being useless, equals not having a life.
"There is no greater bore than perfection." - Richard Connell, Most Dangerous Game
So yes, I have loads of work to complete.
Yet at times, I feel an empty schedule ahead
Is it that I don't know what to start with?
I am myself.
But I need warmth
to spark life
Like a streetlamp
defending itself against
wind and rain
but needs the warmth
of its light bulb
to keep it strong
no punctuation
is wonderful
feelings are nonstop
they do not need fullstops
just think no punctuation
isn't that great
your. own. words.

Life goes on C:
Big Smile 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Blog your heart out

Good day, good day
good weekend

this is a hotel
glowing on a fall night
a pool at the pub
extending to infinity
pub music filling the air
and barbecue roasting
three couple chairs
beside the fireplace
cool breeze sliding by
winter shall arrive soon

the days are warm
the nights are cool
not enough sweaters
to keep me warm
but does it matter
when love is near

two years later and the time comes
I will see the most important time of life


Please, Dear Time, travel slower
I need time to grow up
I need you to prepare for life out there
Please, Dear Time, travel slower
I will enjoy the best moments of life 
before the big time comes

why...I see time pacing its way
towards the infinite infinity

lovely pool, it's my place
I'll be there, beautiful pub
wait for me, precious time

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ad for November - Turkey Eats Me :o

Happy November
Happy Thanksgiving
To all the folks reading Andrea's blog
and Andrea thanks you for your support

Despite the inevitable devils
circling above my head
invisible in the atmosphere
partying it up
oblivious to my woe

No Turkey feast, 
No Thanksgiving break
I do not eat the Turkey,
But the Turkey eats me!

You know Thanksgiving is not a Taiwanese holiday
So Andrea does not have a four-day Thanksgiving break
But, that's not the point is it?
We are a happy family at home, at school, everywhere
And yes, despite all the 'stuff' bursting my head
It's a nice fall day

Enjoy yourself
Happy happy happy day
You'll get to enjoy this holiday two years later, Andrea ;)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Honey, We Can Do It

I love you.

So simple, but with a meaning so intricate.
I can love anything - a boy, a cup of hot chocolate, winter breaks, a cozy afternoon nap.

But I loved something that I bet many people would never have loved.

I loved it, but I lost faith, not in you but in myself.
My heart is functioning.
My mind is functioning.
But is my brain doing the same?

Please do not let me believe that my brain is not functioning.
This is not what I want.
I had made this promise with you - that loving you is and will always be the great choice.
I have no reason not to love you, do I?
No, I have no reason, not one at all.

So I am still in love with you.
But please, I hate lies as well.
What is it with me?
Dear, Honey, get me back, pull me back into your arms.
I was stable when you were on mind. Always. You gave me the confidence I needed.

Someone, somebody, something, I do not even know who or what is was
who or that shattered my love with you.

It got off my brain, yes, my brain, not my heart or mind.
It was always on my mind. I was thinking about it. But not the right thing about it.
My heart was with it. I paid my full attention to it when I'm with it.
But my brain, my brain was working with it, but not now...

Honey, I need you, desperately...
If you can come back, I promise I will never lose you again.
If you will come back, I will promise that my promise will be a real promise...
Please, you are my hope, my future, my dear.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Autumn Approaches, meaning the Winter days are soon too

I see autumn approaching
the blue in our sky disappears sooner than usual
This means winter days are soon to arrive too
Why, Christmas is the warmest holiday

We stroll through the park
without anymore pavements
like walking on clouds
walking in the air
throughout the town of the sky

It's getting colder and colder
No more shorts and skirts for me
but a warm grey sweater
and some fluffy brown boots
this also means that
I will be holding your heart
every single winter day
a pair of heart gloves
that was under our holiday tree last year

Last Christmas
I had you so warm and close
and we shared our first kiss
under a tall pine tree
in the town of the sky

It's colder this year
I can feel the shivers already
But this also means that
our winters days together
will be a lot warmer

Whenever I get the shivers
Your lovely image on mind
Plus the warm pair of gloves that
resemble our hearts
and a cup of nice, hot chocolate
with the sugars of your love
plus a milky kiss
will certainly do

Come Christmas, come dear.