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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Andrea Paints Fiction - collection #3

Painted a rainbow
 find your colors for life
it's a rainbow for you to reach
believe it and you will

to have a colorful life
you need to paint it for yourself
believe it, and you can
and you will

Andrea Paints Fiction - collection #2

Live the way you want to
Laugh the way you like it
Love the way you feel it

It's your world
so paint it all
When you've got this
don't ever lose it

Andrea Paints Fiction - collection #1

Andrea Paints Fiction.

It's alright to stay away from reality
once in a while.
You have the rights to dream, so dream it!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life is ahead waiting, ready to greet you with a bright smile and a warm embrace


Things happen
People leave
Memories stay
Hope inspires
Life goes on

Shit happens
People regret
Pain bothers
Conflicts hinder
Life goes on

The world spins
People are diverse
Broken hearts heal
Love brings hope
Life goes on


and Love

Heal and Move Life Forward

Don't cry, just don't
Life has much to go
Be strong, stay strong
There is more to life

than a bad day

It will never be a bad life
Live today and aspire more for a better tomorrow

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fall in love when you're ready, not when you're lonely

It's a slice of watermelon
that gave me a sky my own

a sky my own that I can embellish
but an embellished sky to share

It's this irresistible inspiration 
that gave me the motivation

the motivation to create and love
create inspiration and love life

spread the love for others and far beyond
always appreciate and do more

love for life leads to success
keep an eye on that slice of watermelon

Andrea&Tea - With My Boy

Love travels
along the imaginary lines of earth
over the boundaries of lands
and all around the world

"My girl," says my boy,

Is sweet as flower
Is sour as berries
Pretty as a tower
Lovely as perry

Not just her smell
But also her warmth
Not only aromatic
But also delicious

Not only beautiful
But also a pretty heart

Not only on the outside
But also on the inside

That's my girl

Come enjoy tea with Andrea for February, 2012

An awesome year
All the best wishes
and the best journeys

from Andrea

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ad for February - A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you

Never tired of counting stars
One star is one love for you
What matters if we don't see far
At least time is slow with you

A hundred stars I can see
One is sent to you as I count one
Together we dive through the galaxy
And pack all the stars along the way

To make a moment special
Takes talent and time
Never will I meet the same
One is one and I will treasure mine

Distance is the past road
The present is the mountain peak
Our future stays for us to lay
Hug it, kiss it, and love it today

Tomorrow will be different
Tomorrow will be better
Together our love grows
Together we make history linger

Happy Valentine's♥
14 February

2012 will be my best year❥

❝At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.❞

❝Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.❞

❝A kiss is the shortest distance between two.❞

❝A hundred hearts would be too few
to carry all my love for you.❞

❝A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.❞

❝We loved with a love that was more than love.❞
~Edgar Allan Poe

❝Love would never be a promise of a rose garden unless it is showered with light of faith, water of sincerity and air of passion.❞

~Kay Knudsen

Love and Kisses
Kisses and Hugs
from Andrea


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

Valentine's, Baby.
A week away.

Dear Time,
It's the time of the year
when pairs of loved ones get together
again the streets are filled with love
you see hugs and you feel kisses
kisses through air kisses from above
and it's the time of the year 
when no one forgets the day
that happens only once a year
to make a wish so warm and real
to live the day so true without time to kill
a day to make wishes a day to dream
yet it brings memories that kills some
who would not have missed out this day
this day so special that tears flow over the stream
who would have warm hugs and true kisses
and miracles to share

Dear Time, 
It's the time of the year
when one gets to make a real wish
again the skies are filled with stars
you see sparkles and you see miracles
endless songs sung above the skies
never killing never finishing
never sleeping never halting
give me a time to spare
with my loved wishes
I wish you come true


Experience builds
Memories build

My love for the wish
My yearning for the dream
builds towards infinity
will it always stay as
an endless painful journey

Dear Valentine
Make this journey end
end the pain and the sorrow
stop the tears and the love
together we shall seek something new
ahead of us to be treasured

❝Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.❞

~ Kay Knudsen

Sweet sweet Valentine's
Big big dreams
A world truer than ever
❧from Andrea❤

Friday, February 3, 2012

Don't count every hour in the day; make every hour in the day count.

Airplanes fly, said Papa.
Balloons fly, said Mama.
Birds fly, said Miss.

I believed everything when I was growing up.

Now I'm still growing, I know, even though I don't feel it and no one else does.
And I believe everything, still.

But life gets though. I've found my path; at least, the starting line.
But as I dug for treasure and pray for sunshine
airplanes don't fly like real 
balloons don't fly like they shall
birds don't fly like, anymore

There is only one thing in the entire universe
the universe that we all share
that flies above our heads high and beyond
forever to infinity

Dear Time.
Only Time flies; nothing else does.

Airplanes fly, even if not like real, but they land to where we place our steps.
Balloons fly, even if the wrong way, but they pop and fall to where we kick sand.
Birds fly, even if towards nowhere, but they return to where we keep ourselves.

They fly, but they land, they fall, and they return.

And Time?
Dear Time?
Time flies, like airplanes and balloons and birds, but Time does not land, fall, nor return.
Time flies like Time, and Time stays like Time.
They come and go without ever turning back.
Ever. Never.

Time gives us everything. Cherish it.
You cannot keep it, so make the best of it while you can.

Every growing second adds to life.
Life is about Everything, so each and every second brings you the puzzle pieces towards Everything.

❝Life is all about timing...the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable...attainable. Have the patience; wait it out. It's all about timing.❞
~Stacey Charter

Dear Time, I love you more than anything
❧ Andrea ❥❦