Airplanes fly, said Papa.
Balloons fly, said Mama.
Birds fly, said Miss.
I believed everything when I was growing up.
Now I'm still growing, I know, even though I don't feel it and no one else does.
And I believe everything, still.
But life gets though. I've found my path; at least, the starting line.
But as I dug for treasure and pray for sunshine
airplanes don't fly like real
balloons don't fly like they shall
birds don't fly like, anymore
There is only one thing in the entire universe
the universe that we all share
that flies above our heads high and beyond
forever to infinity
Dear Time.
Only Time flies; nothing else does.
Airplanes fly, even if not like real, but they land to where we place our steps.
Balloons fly, even if the wrong way, but they pop and fall to where we kick sand.
Birds fly, even if towards nowhere, but they return to where we keep ourselves.
They fly, but they land, they fall, and they return.
And Time?
Dear Time?
Time flies, like airplanes and balloons and birds, but Time does not land, fall, nor return.
Time flies like Time, and Time stays like Time.
They come and go without ever turning back.
Ever. Never.
Time gives us everything. Cherish it.
You cannot keep it, so make the best of it while you can.
Every growing second adds to life.
Life is about Everything, so each and every second brings you the puzzle pieces towards Everything.
❝Life is all about timing...the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable...attainable. Have the patience; wait it out. It's all about timing.❞
~Stacey Charter
Dear Time, I love you more than anything
❧ Andrea ❥❦