Below is a list for comparing. 莫泊桑小說精選 中 - 法 - 英 篇名對照表
柴火 - La buche - The Log
修椅子的女人 - La rempailleuse - Lasting Love
溺斃者身上的一封信 - Lettre trouvée sur un noyé - Found on a Drowned Man
亂倫之戀 - M. Jocaste -
首飾 - Les bijoux - The False Gems
復仇記 - Une vendetta - The Vendetta
獲得勳章了!- Decore - The Legion of Honor
明智的抉擇 - Un sage -
邂逅 - Rencontre - The Meeting
幸福 - Le bonheur -
脂肪球(羊脂球)- Boule de Suif - Ball of Fat
Inform Andrea for any mistakes and she will correct them as soon as possible!
So Andrea has not found the highlighted ones...if you know, may you please comment below to help her? Andrea will be very very very and super thankful C;
Hi, I'm reading some of those stories too, here's a website with alot of Maupassant's shortstories.
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy x